Welcome to

Carrasco Copy

Pulling at your audience's heartstrings like you couldn't imagine.
I can create an ad copy that can convince a cat off a fish wagon.
Or an email sequence that can sell Eskimo ice at a high price and get em twice.
I'm that nice.
And copywriting is my merchandise.

Attempt #2

(Ignore what you just read 1 second ago)
I'm not technically a newbie
I'm a freelance copywriter, not a web designer.
(pretty obvious, or maybe not)
My copywriting mentor said creating my website would be fun.
That couldn't be further away from the truth.
As every copywriter does on their site, I'm supposed to waterboard you with testimonials.
And convince you that I'm a good fit to write copy for your business.
In all honesty, I wish that was the case...
I'd feel cool doing that.
Just flooding this website template with testimonials and showing you that I made so and so "x" amount of money in just 30 days.
Once again...
I wish that was the case.

Here we go again...

Attempt #3

My mentor, Cardinal Mason, started off with a very bad website himself.
But he was making $40k-$50k a month with a bad website.
I plan to do the same.
I've always had a love for writing but it has never loved me back.
I was known in school to just ramble on essays.
Just a bunch of ideas on a Google Doc.
Full of grammar errors and no structure.
But now I pay $30/month for Grammarly so this website won't be complete garbage :)

4th times a charm...right?

Final Attempt

I'm a writer and brand adviser to writers, creators, and entrepreneurs.I help them to use writing, marketing, and audience building strategies to make money online by writing about their interests.I write about personal development, writing, and online business to help you learn faster and build a meaningful and fulfilling life.

See you in a few...

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Take care brother :) or sister :)

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